期刊名稱 | 作者 | 年份 |
【Humanity】The State and International Law: A Reading from the Global South |
Luis Eslava |
2020 |
【Human Rights Quarterly】The Morality of Human Rights |
Michael J. Perry |
2020 |
【Human Rights Quarterly】Measuring Modern Slavery: Law, Human Rights, and New Forms of Data |
Todd Landman |
2020 |
【Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing】 |
Donna Marie McNamara |
2020 |
【Dialog】Imago Dei and human rights protections of forced migrants: A North Korean case study |
I Sil Yoon |
2020 |
【Journal of the International AIDS Society】HIV, human rights and the last mile |
Joseph J Amon, Nina Sun |
2019 |
【Philosophy & Public Affairs】Human Rights and Inequality |
Jiewuh Song |
2019 |
【European Law Journal】The prohibition to abuse one's human rights: A theory |
Ulrich Wagrandl |
2019 |
【RSF】The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences |
Heather M. Harris |
2019 |
【RSF】Criminal Justice Contact and Inequality |
Kristin Turney |
2019 |