【Human Rights Quarterly】The Morality of Human Rights
期刊名:【Human Rights Quarterly】The Morality of Human Rights |
卷數:Volume 42, Number 2 |
出版時間:2020年5月 |
作者:Michael J. Perry |
出版者:Johns Hopkins University Press |
I S S N:0275-0392 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要:The Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodies a particular morality: the morality of human rights. In this article, I address several questions concerning that morality, beginning with this fundamental question: What reason do we have, if any, to accept, rather than reject, the morality of human rights? I also explicate two human rights—the human right to moral equality and the human right to moral freedom—and then pursue the implications of the two rights for two human rights controversies: the controversies concerning, respectively, abortion and same-sex marriage. |
年份:2020 |