

書名 作者 出版
The Legal Status of Intersex Persons Scherpe, Jens M./ Dutta, Anatol/ Helms, Tobias Intersentia Uitgevers N V
Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future Robinson, Mary Bloomsbury Pub Plc USA
The Regional Law of Refugee Protection in Africa Sharpe, Marina Oxford Univ Pr
Refugee and Asylum Law in Ireland O’Connor, Tim Bloomsbury Professional
A Magna Carta for Children?: Rethinking Children’s Rights Freeman, Michael Cambridge Univ Pr
Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration Miller, David Harvard Univ Pr
The Politics of Love in Myanmar: Lgbt Mobilization and Human Rights As a Way of Life Chua, Lynette J. Stanford Univ Pr
For Dear Life: Focusing on Women’s Decriminalization and Human Rights Jacobsen, Carol Univ of Michigan Pr
Police-building and the Responsibility to Protect: Civil Society, Gender and Human Rights Culture in Hawksley, Charles/ Georgeou, Nichole Routledge
The Protection of Human Rights Through International Law and International Criminal Law Glaser, Henning (EDT) Springer Verlag