

書名 作者 出版
Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration Miller, David Harvard Univ Pr
The Politics of Love in Myanmar: Lgbt Mobilization and Human Rights As a Way of Life Chua, Lynette J. Stanford Univ Pr
For Dear Life: Focusing on Women’s Decriminalization and Human Rights Jacobsen, Carol Univ of Michigan Pr
Police-building and the Responsibility to Protect: Civil Society, Gender and Human Rights Culture in Hawksley, Charles/ Georgeou, Nichole Routledge
The Protection of Human Rights Through International Law and International Criminal Law Glaser, Henning (EDT) Springer Verlag
Gender, Nationalism and Conflict Transformation: New Themes and Old Problems in Northern Ireland Ashe,Fidelma Routledge
The Philosophy of Human Rights: A Systematic Introduction Biletzki, Anat Routledge
Mexico’s Human Rights Crisis Anaya-munoz, Alejandro (EDT)/ Frey, Barbara (EDT) Univ of Pennsylvania Pr
International Human Rights Law Documents Khaliq、Urfan (EDT) Cambridge Univ Pr
疾病與民主:工業化國家如何面對愛滋病 彼得.鮑德溫 五南