

書名 作者 出版
綠島人權燈塔(繪本) 郭振純 前衛
向下扎根!德國教育的公民思辨課4-「什麼是難民、族群融合、庇護政策或仇外心理? 」:看見他人困境的理解能力 克莉絲汀.舒茲—萊斯 麥田
四隻腳,兩隻鞋 凱倫‧威廉斯, 卡卓拉‧穆罕默德 小天下
Kosovar Foreign Fighters : From Ideology to Radicalization and Back to Human Rights Violations Rozana Baci GRIN Publishing
From Customary Law to Human Rights in Tanzania Dorothy L. Hodgson Indiana University Press
A Practical Guide To Your Human Rights And Civil Liberties : A Straightforward Guide Michael Arnheim Straightforward Publishing
Human Rights in Business : Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union Juan Jose Alvarez Rubio、Katerina Yiannibas Taylor & Francis Ltd
Why Human Rights in Childbirth Matter Rebecca Schiller Pinter & Martin Ltd.
Protecting Muslim Minority Women's Human Rights at Divorce : Application of the Protection Against D Tone Linn Waerstad Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
The Right to Peace and the Fight Against Terrorism. the Role of African Regional Human Rights Instru Loyd Marcel Minka GRIN Publishing