

書名 作者 出版
WaterNumerate: Daily maths for the Global Citizen at Year 6 Term 3 and and Year 7 term 1 Dylan Theodore WaterAid
Training Manual for Teachers Jeannie Annan, Lucia Castelli, Anne Devreux, Elena Locatelli AVSI
Manual to promote European Active Citizenship Association Européenne des Enseignants/European Association of Teachers Association Européenne des Enseignants/European Association of Teachers
Exploring Children's Rights: Lesson sequences for primary schools Rolf Gollob and Peter Krapf in co-operation with Emir Adzovic Council of Europe
An Inventory of Human Rights Teaching Materials Instructional Resources Unit Manitoba Education, Training and Youth
European Handbook of Human Rights Education in Technical Education and Vocational Training Human Rights Project (ed.) University of Flensburg
Human Rights and Service-Learning: Lesson Plans and Projects Kristine Belisle and Elizabeth Sullivan
Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education Guide Ba Futuru Dili
Crimes of War: What the Public Should Now. Educator's Guide Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) HREA
Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools ODIHR Advisory Council of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief Warsaw