WaterNumerate: Daily maths for the Global Citizen at Year 6 Term 3 and and Year 7 term 1
作者:Dylan Theodore |
譯者: |
出版時間:2000 |
出版者:WaterAid |
I S B N:0951346687 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: This teaching pack, developed for the the National Curriculum in the United Kingdom, brings issues of global importance to the maths hour for term three in year six or term one in year seven. The three weeks of planned lessons will stimulate enthusiastic learning in any maths curriculum. The pack explores the positive impacts of a water scheme in a Nepalese village by following the life of a 13 year old girl. This pack consists of a 66 page A4 teacher’s booklet and three posters which are also free to download. original connect:http://www.hrea.org/ |
分類:人權教育 總論 |