Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education Guide
作者:Ba Futuru |
譯者: |
出版時間:2006 |
出版者:Dili |
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中文摘要: |
英文摘要: The Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education Guide (TAHRE Guide) has been created for use by people working with children in Timor-Leste. This guide uses interactive learning, artistic and physical activities while combining information and knowledge from different fields including: healing for people affected by conflict, human rights education and the steps for non-violent conflict resolution. It also combines activities connected to the past with those future-oriented. The Background section provides information about the reasoning behind the development of the TAHRE Guide, identifying its purpose and intended outcomes. The Facilitation Suggestions section should be thoroughly studied prior to using the TAHRE Guide as this section provides in-depth guidelines for being a good facilitator. Lessons I & II are designed to establish ground rules that will set up a safe environment where the children can process the negative affects of conflict. They include activities about cooperation and communication. Lessons III, IV and V are an introduction to human rights and child’s rights. Lesson VI, VII and VIII are on conflict resolution, and lessons IX, X are on overcoming the negative affects of conflict. Lessons XI and XII deal with the convergence of human rights and conflict resolution. The closing lessons XIII and XIV look to the future and discussion peaceful interaction, as well as an assessment survey to gauge children’s progress and review what they have learnt over the entirety of the TAHRE programme. The guide is bilingual (English and Tetum). original connect: |
分類:人權教育 聯合國、國際社會 |