

書名 作者 出版
Prision Writings: The PKK and the The Kurdish Question in the 21st Century, International Initiative Ocalan, Abdullah/ Happelt, Klaus (TRN)/ Bayik, Cemil (CON) Pluto Pr
People’s Knowledge and Participatory Action Research: Escaping the White-walled Labyrinth People’s Knowledge Editorial Collective (COR) Practical Action Pub
Earl Warren and the Struggle for Justice Moke, Paul Lexington Books
We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria Pearlman, Wendy Custom House
The Violence of Climate Change: Lessons of Resistance from Nonviolent Activists O’Brien, Kevin J. Georgetown Univ Pr
The Global Emergence of Constitutional Environmental Rights Gellers, Joshua C. Taylor & Francis
瓦解殖民世界:非洲思想家馬穆德・曼達尼讀本 馬穆德・曼達尼 行人
只要活著:長崎原爆倖存者的生命故事 蘇珊.索瑟德 馬可孛羅
女力時代:改寫全球社會面貌的女性新興階級 艾莉森‧沃爾夫 大塊文化
女漢子?女權與男子氣概 哈維.曼斯菲爾德 立緒