Making Schools a Safe Horizon for Girls. A Training Manual on Preventing Sexual Violence against Gir
作者:Millie Akoth Odhiambo and Jeffrey Maganya |
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出版時間:2004 |
出版者:ActionAid International Kenya and The CRADLE - The Children’s Foundation |
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中文摘要: |
英文摘要: This training manual is intended for teacher trainers and aimed at making schools safe for girls, addressing factors within school that hinder girls from attaining education, specifically focusing on preventing sexual violence. The workshop objectives are: 1) To enhance the capacity of teachers to: understand the concept of rights; understand mechanisms for identifying and dealing with abuse including reporting and follow up of cases; develop girls’ forums in their school; spearhead campaigns against abuse of girls in schools; to understand gender issues as relates to abuse of girls. 2) Train teachers to be able to safeguard girls’ rights and dignity in schools Enhance the retention and participation of girls in primary schools by making schools safe for girls. The training is aimed at teachers, and should take approximately five days. It includes information on preparation for the workshop, including time schedule, finance, and resources needed. original connect: |
分類:婦女人權 總論 |