期刊名:【台灣人權學刊】權利為本的安置兒少離園準備服務之實踐 |
卷數:7卷2期 |
出版時間:2023年12月 |
作者:陳怡芳(Yi-Fang Chen) ; 胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu) ; 王筱汶(Xiao-Wen Wang) ; 黃韻蓉(Yun-Jung Huang) ; 李淑沛(Su-Pei Lee) |
出版者:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心 |
I S S N:2224-6622 |
中文摘要:權利為本取向(Rights-Based Approach, RBA)是將國際人權體系的規範、原則、標準和目標納入計畫與發展過程中,重視國家要照顧最弱勢公民的基本義務。本文嘗試運用權利取向的模式與步驟,分析臺灣北部某中長期少女安置機構執行離園轉銜的工作經驗,以焦點團體作為資料蒐集方法,訪問5位機構工作者,分析執行結束安置準備服務的改革行動,以及如何逐步落實權利為本的實務工作。研究發現:1.青年發聲的重要性;2.過來人的感同身受帶來陪伴與治癒力;3.過去服務使用者成為安置服務的重要顧問;4.賦權少女形塑正向的身份認同;5.透過倡議,成功把離園工作推進組織策略內,並向大眾倡議尋求合作。 |
英文摘要:A rights-based approach can incorporate the norms, principles, standards, and goals of the international human rights system into the planning and development of departure from residential care. It also pays attention to the basic obligation of the state to take care of its most vulnerable citizens. This article attempts to use a rights-oriented model and procedures to analyze the work experience of a medium- and long-term residential care facility for young girls in northern Taiwan, using focus groups as a data collection method, interviewing five care workers, and analyzing the implementation of end-of-placement preparation services. There are five findings: 1. The voices of young people are important; 2. The sharing of informal resources can enhance personal emotions and a sense of belonging in life; 3. Past service users can be important consultants for placement services; 4. Young girls should be empowered to shape a positive identity; 5. Advocacy can be used to raise funds from enterprises. |
年份:2023 |