期刊名:【博物館學季刊】不義遺址調查局「安康接待室」-現地保存活化的意義與未來使命 |
卷數:37卷3期 |
出版時間:2023年7月 |
作者:林靜雯(Ching-Wen Lin) |
出版者:國立自然科學博物館 |
I S S N:10293140 |
中文摘要:行政院促進轉型正義委員會審定白色恐怖系列不義遺址17處,其中,調查局「安康接待室」從偵訊空間到審定為不義遺址,再到決定成為紀念地的過程,是受害者、民間團體與政府等多方關注與努力下,才能完整地被留存下來。2022年國家人權博物館接手「安康接待室」不義遺址保存維護及管理元年,本於臺灣對不義遺址保存、人權教育的複雜及艱困任務,以及基於博物館的社會責任,記錄博物館工作使之形成博物館誌,是博物館工作者的工作之一。本文從有限的檔案、口述資料等透過整理、記錄,闡述臺灣白色恐怖時期情治單位調查局及留質偵訊處所之變遷,然後探討安康接待室的保存價值,並透過相關檔案資料盤點出曾在安康接待室接受偵訊的受害者名單。再者,思考安康接待室做為轉型正義推廣人權教育的基地,其歷史遺址本身即是重要的展示,提出遺址維護保存原則、教育體驗推廣、觀眾研究等未來發展之政策背景建言,使大眾更加認識白色恐怖偵訊階段的歷史,使其能有所感,進而去思索、理解安康接待室不義遺址保存的意義。 |
英文摘要:According to a report by the Transitional Justice Commission of the Executive Yuan, there are 17 injustice sites from the period in Taiwan's history known as the White Terror. The Ankang Reception Room of the Investigation Bureau is one such site. It has been preserved due to the attention and persistent efforts of victims, private groups, and the government. The Ankang Reception Room is now considered a "memorial site," replacing its original status as an injustice site. In 2022, the National Human Rights Museum took over management as part of the complicated and difficult mission of preservation and human rights education, based on its social responsibility as a museum. Relevant activities are recorded in the Museum Journal. By analyzing the limited numbers of available documents and oral histories, the purpose of this article is to elaborate on the shifts in the detention and interrogation spaces of the Investigation Bureau's Ankang Reception Room during the White Terror period. In addition, the value of this site is discussed, as well as the process of identifying the people who were interrogated there. The Ankang Reception Room has been deemed a base for transitional justice and human rights education and this historical site is itself an important display. From the principles of preservation, educational and experiential activities, and visitor research come recommendations for future development policies. In addition, the public is made aware of the interrogation history during the White Terror and encouraged to perceive, think about, and understand the significance of preserving the Ankang Reception Room. |
年份:2023 |