【 學生事務與輔導】中學生需要的轉型正義思辨與論辯:從公民教育視角論述與建議
期刊名:【 學生事務與輔導】中學生需要的轉型正義思辨與論辯:從公民教育視角論述與建議 |
卷數:61卷4期 |
出版時間:2023年3月 |
作者:王奕超(Yi-Chao Wang) |
出版者:中華學生事務學會 |
I S S N:20769490 |
中文摘要:轉型正義作為民主化脈絡之下重要一環,特別是就民主轉型光譜上的民主深化進程部分,具不可輕忽的必要性;晚近針對轉型正義的討論,一般而言集中在國際經驗借鏡與在地轉譯等層面,國際經驗借鏡聚焦在典範轉移的目的功能性,在地轉譯側重在因應不同國家的歷史文化,而需進行因地制宜的在地性轉化處置,誠如轉型正義核心價值所闡述,轉型正義主要是處理過去威權時期涉及非法、不正義情事,由此重建、還原歷史真相,以系統性檢視威權體制下所形塑出的制度性人權侵害,進而達到平反,並進一步透過相關教育使「歷史不再重演」。針對轉型正義教育意涵的討論,本文認為應從「公民與社會科」課綱調整著手,有其必要性以及優先性,轉型正義透過教育,使得中學生應認知的史實得以獲得完整的認知,藉由正確史觀的建立,對於人權得以產生具正確史實基礎的思辨,並以人權作為中心書寫,通過教育反省思辨而建立具備民主素養的公民觀。 |
英文摘要:Transitional justice initiatives, as an important part of the democratization process, are particularly essential in the democratization spectrum about the deepening of democracy and cannot be overlooked. Recently, discussions on transitional justice initiatives have generally focused on aspects such as borrowing from international experiences and local translation. Overall, borrowing from international experiences focuses on the functional purpose of paradigm shift, while local translation emphasizes adapting to the historical and cultural contexts of different countries, requiring customized and localized transformations. As stated by the core value of transitional justice, the main purpose of transitional justice is to address illegal and unjust activities that occurred during the authoritarian period in the past, and to rebuild and restore historical truth based on systematically examining how the institutional human rights violations were shaped under the authoritarian regime, in order to achieve rehabilitation, and furthermore, through relevant education, to prevent "history repeating itself." With thorough discussion on the educational implications of transitional justice initiatives, this paper believes that adjustments should be made to the "Citizenship and Social Studies" curriculum, which is necessary and a priority. Through education, transitional justice enables the reconstruction of historical facts that high school students should be aware of. Furthermore, by establishing a correct historical perspective, critical thinking about human rights can be based on accurate historical facts. By making human rights the central focus and through human rights education, a citizen's perspective with democratic literacy can be established. |
年份:2023 |