期刊名:【聯大學報】從教師觀點來探討校園兒童參與權實踐之研究 |
卷數:19卷2期 |
出版時間:2022年12月 |
作者:陳心怡、唐宜楨 |
出版者:國立聯合大學 |
I S S N:1026-2415 |
中文摘要:聯合國《兒童權利公約》第12條條文提及兒童自由表述、參與一切與自身相關事務的參與權應受到關注,且兒童意見按照其年齡和成熟程度應給以適當的看待。兒童參與權不僅須關注兒童觀點,更應思考兒童生活裡的社會文化、利害關係者以及個人特質如何影響兒童參與權落實的多樣貌與複雜性。以教育環境為例,教師被視為是校園兒童權利落實的變革能動者,本文透過質性訪談方式,試圖從100位教師觀點來了解校園兒童參與權實踐現況。研究結果發現,教師受訪者普遍認同兒童意見表達為權利概念,教師認為兒童充分表述能力不僅受到兒童個別年齡、認知能力、成熟度所影響,更應覺察校園決策參與的情境、表意機會與空間的有無以及教師與課程的多樣性等影響因素。 |
英文摘要:Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child indicates that children's right to participate in all matters related to themselves should be paid attention to, and children's opinions should be treated appropriately according to their age and maturity. Children's right to participation must not only pay attention to children's viewpoints, but also consider how the social culture, relevant stakeholders, and children's personal characteristics may facilitate diversity and complexity of the implementation of children's participation right. To taking the educational environment as an example, teachers are regarded as change agents in the implementation of children's rights in schools. This article applied qualitative interviews trying to understand the current practice of children's participation rights in schools from the perspectives of 100 teachers. The results of the study found that teachers generally agreed with children's participation as a right concept. Teachers believed that children's capability to express adequately was not only affected by children's age, maturity but also should be aware of the context and opportunities for child participation and diversity of teachers and courses in school. |
年份:2022 |