期刊名:【法律扶助與社會】少年保護事件之保護優先原則與被害人保護之衡平 |
卷數:10期 |
出版時間:2023年3月 |
作者:賴恭利 |
出版者:財團法人法律扶助基金會 |
I S S N:無 |
中文摘要:我國少年司法制度為實踐憲法對兒童及少年之特別保護,採行少年保護優先原則,以落實保障少年之健全自我成長。邇近被害人權益在刑事訴訟程序中之保護,在國際間已然成為刑事政策之重要議題。當少年保護與被害人保護同時在刑事程序中需要兼顧時,如何折衝取捨,必須在法價值體系中逐層解析,以探求其衡平之道。 |
英文摘要:To realize the special protection to children and adolescence bestowed by the Constitution, the Taiwanese juvenile justice system prioritizes the teenagers' protection so as to enforce the concept of safeguarding the sound self-development of the juveniles. Nowadays, the victims' rights are being protected in the Taiwanese criminal procedure, and they have also become a critical issue discussed worldwide when establishing criminal policies. How the criminal procedure equally weighs the protection of juveniles and the protection of victims is a crucial issue that has to be broken down and explained with the value of law, so that balance could be found in the proceedings. |
年份:2023 |