期刊名:【台灣人權學刊】共生音樂節:二二八事件的敘述者 |
卷數:7卷1期 |
出版時間:2023年6月 |
作者:蔡喻安 |
出版者:台灣人權學刊 |
I S S N:2224-6622 |
中文摘要:本文介紹民間二二八事件紀念活動「共生音樂節」的發展脈絡、成員組成、倡議路徑以及自我定位。共生音樂節自2013年成立以來,已成為台灣目前規模最大的二二八事件紀念活動,每年有上千人參與。共生音樂節為什麼誕生、在轉型正義議題中的位置是什麼,是本文的第一個關注重點。由青年組成的共生音樂節,籌備團隊成員多為後威權世代,不曾經歷威權統治、與二二八時間距離遙遠,這樣的他們為什麼會加入共生音樂節、想跟民眾說些什麼,是本文的第二個關注重點。最後,筆者試圖說明共生音樂節11年來締造了哪些意義與影響,而共生音樂節能如此作為,仰賴的是作為夥伴的「時間」。 |
英文摘要:This article introduces the history of the Kiōng-Seng Music Commemoration, a commemorative event for the 2-28 Massacre largely organized by young people. It examines who takes part, what they demand and how they understand themselves. Since its establishment in 2013, the Kiōng-Seng Music Commemoration has become the largest commemorative event of the 2-28 Massacre with thousands of participants every year. The article begins by looking at how Kiōng-Seng started and what its position is from the point of view of transitional justice. Kiōng-Seng attracts young people, most of whom are from the post-authoritarian generation with no direct experience of authoritarian rule, still less of the 2-28 Massacre. Secondly the article examines why people join Kiōng-Seng and what they want to say to the public. Finally, the author attempts to explain the significance and impact of Kiōng-Seng over its 11 years of existence through time. |
年份:2023 |