期刊名:【博物館學季刊】不義遺址之人權教育-德國達豪集中營的保存紀念與導覽解說 |
卷數:36卷2期 |
出版時間:2022年4月 |
作者:陳佳利 |
出版者:博物館學季刊 |
I S S N:1029-3140 |
中文摘要:近年來,隨著人權博物館與人權博物館學之興起,如何透過博物館的展覽與教育活動,引領觀眾認識歷史上重大的違反人權事件,達到人權教育的目標,成為博物館的重要任務。其中,做為納粹罪行現場的「真實可信之場所」,德國境內保留不少集中營遺址改為博物館或紀念園區,被視為困難遺產或不義遺址,吸引了不少學校團體與國際觀光客參觀。究竟,於前德國納粹集中營所成立的紀念園區,其教育理念與活動方案為何?又如何透過導覽與教育活動,對觀眾述說大屠殺歷史並連結人權教育理念?本文以納粹政權於1933年設立的第一個集中營,整修成立的達豪集中營紀念園區為研究個案,介紹其園區的保存與展覽規劃,並透過線上訪談與線上導覽內容分析,探討其教育活動規劃與導覽解說內涵。研究指出達豪集中營紀念園區為學校舉辦的工作坊,應用照片與漫畫於導覽活動中,成功連結學生對相關課題的興趣與討論。而線上導覽內容雖然較少連結到當代人權課題,但以受難者為主體的各個主題導覽內容,有助於揭開這段複雜歷史的各個面向與角色,包括加害者體制的形成以及受難者的抵抗與能動性;部分導覽主題強調受難者跨國界之互助合作與解放後對司法正義的堅持,鼓舞觀眾未來對抗不義與違反人權事件。另外,各種受忽視與邊緣的聲音,如女性性奴隸與同性戀者,也透過研究與導覽逐漸呈現在觀眾面前,有助於觀眾連結這些屬於邊緣的、多元性別的族群與團體,在歷史與當代社會所遭遇的相似處境與歧視,提供反思當代人權課題的重要養份。 |
英文摘要:In recent years, human rights museology and museums have flourished. Presenting the history of human rights violations and achieving the goals of human rights education are important missions of such museums. As authentic evidence of Nazi war crimes, concentration camps have been preserved and transformed into museums and memorials in Germany, attracting school groups and international tourists. What educational concepts and programs do these memorial sites provide? How do they facilitate visitor learning, in relation to human rights education, through guided tours and educational programs? As the first concentration camp established by the Nazis, the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site serves as the case study. A brief introduction to its preservation and exhibitions is provided. Online interview with the museum educator was conducted and online guided tour content and educational program planning were analyzed. The results show that the content of school seminars of the museum is able to successfully connect with student interests and photographs and comics can be used to inspire discussion. In terms of the themed online guided tour content, although not very relevant to contemporary human rights issues, Holocaust victims are the subjects of narration. Their active resistance and the roles of different actors, such as the perpetrators and their system of violence, are presented to enable visitors to understand complex history in a dynamic context. The guided tour content also emphasizes the collaboration of victims across nations and their insistence on fighting for justice which has the potential to empower visitors to combat injustice. Moreover, marginalized groups, such as sex slaves and homosexuals, are given a voice. As such, visitors can compare the prejudices of past society with those of contemporary society and think about human rights issues. |
年份:2022 |