期刊名:【臺灣人權學刊】尋找亞洲人權監督機制的蹤跡:「2019年倡議亞洲人權法院工作坊」之成果報告 |
卷數:6卷3期 |
出版時間:2022年6月 |
作者:謝孟庭 |
出版者:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心 |
I S S N:2224-6622 |
中文摘要:在2019年5月及7月中,東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心舉辦了兩場「倡議亞洲人權法院工作坊」,邀請亞洲數國的人權工作者、倡議者、專家學者、政府官員、律界與商界人士,齊聚一堂商討如何在東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN)與亞太經濟合作(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)的框架中,倡議推動亞洲人權法院(抑或亞洲人權監督機制)的設置。本文嘗試先梳理工作坊的討論背景並概略釐清三大問題:(一)為何亞洲沒有區域人權體系?(二)亞洲人民權利受害的聲音何在?以及(三)ASEAN或APEC是否能保障或提倡亞洲人權?藉由這些問題,本文進一步勾勒出工作坊的討論脈絡,並以兩場工作坊討論的實際內容作為回應。本文認為,本屆工作坊與其他倡議活動最大不同之處,即納入有關亞洲人民法庭的探討,並試圖從中了解亞洲人民權利受到侵害的狀況以及其所面臨的救濟困境。作為一場公民運動,倡議亞洲人權法院工作坊毋寧匯集了一股運動動能,強化亞洲人權組織的網絡聯繫,將「在亞洲尋求有效的人權監督機制」轉化為人權議題,持續向外擴散議題的影響力並激發公民社會的創意與行動潛能。 |
英文摘要:The Chang Fo-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights at Soochow University held two workshops, respectively in May and July 2019, to discuss the possibility of founding an Asian Human Rights Court. The workshop attendees came from various backgrounds to advocate establishing such a court (or a human rights monitoring mechanism in Asia) under ASEAN's and APEC's human rights frameworks. At the outset, this article roughly looks at three main questions: (i) Why isn't there a human rights system in Asia? ; (ii) Where are the voices of people whose rights have been violated in Asia? and (iii) Can ASEAN or APEC protect or promote human rights in Asia? By trying to answer these questions, this article outlines the workshops and discusses the valuable feedback from the attendees. As this article points out, the biggest difference between these two workshops and other advocacy campaigns lies in the introduction of people's tribunals in Asia. The workshops focused on these tribunals to advance a profound understanding of the human rights violations taking place in Asia and the problems of redress for victims. This article concludes that the workshops served as a civic movement where the momentum was gained through discussions on how to look for an effective human rights monitoring mechanism in Asia. To strengthen the human rights networks in Asia, the workshops strived to extend the influence of advocacy for the Asian Human Rights Court and continue inspiring more creativity and actions of civil society in this regard. |
年份:2022 |