期刊名:【臺灣人權學刊】臺灣和國際人權轉型的故事之一:模擬亞洲人權法院 |
卷數:6卷3期 |
出版時間:2022年6月 |
作者:黃于哲 |
出版者:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心 |
I S S N:2224-6622 |
中文摘要:本文題目之發想源自2019年Jerome A. Cohen、William P. Alford以及羅昌發共同編纂國際人權法的重要著作《臺灣和國際人權:一個轉型的故事》(Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation)。從戒嚴獨裁邁向民主法治,臺灣受益國際人權機制運作甚深,而設立「模擬亞洲人權法院」(模亞)亦是轉型過程中的重要故事。本文透過回顧前大法官許玉秀籌辦「模擬憲法法庭」的經驗,進而檢視倡議模亞的動機。繼之,本文依序探討區域人權機制與個人申訴權利的發展,再討論亞洲缺少區域人權法院的可能因素。基此,本文介紹模亞起初籌備緣起、判決結果以及相關方反應。最後,本文總結模亞為臺灣公民社會「透過模擬倡議權利」2.0,亦對模亞的未來提出一些建議。 |
英文摘要:The Article is inspired by the pioneering and influential book entitled Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation co-edited by Professor Jerome A. Cohen, Professor William P. Alford, and Justice Chang-fa Lo of Taiwan Constitutional Court in 2019. Since its transition from a martial law dictatorship to a full-fledged democracy, Taiwan has benefited from the application of international human rights norms and institutions. Certainly, establishing the "Asian Human Rights Court Simulation (AHRCS)" is part of the transformation. This Article reviews the experience of former Justice Hsu Yu-hsiu in organizing the "Constitutional Court Simulation," and then explains her motivations for advocating the AHRCS. By exploring regional human rights mechanisms and the right of individual petition, this Article seeks to find possible reasons for the lack of a regional human rights court in Asia. After presenting the origins of the AHRCS, the results of the judgment, and the reactions of the concerned parties, this Article summarizes the AHRCS as the "rights advocacy through simulation" 2.0 by Taiwan's civil society and discusses the future of the AHRCS. |
年份:2022 |