期刊名:【勞資關係論叢】我國職場霸凌預防制度之研究 |
卷數:23卷2期 |
出版時間:2021年12月 |
作者:葉佳倫、 王安祥 |
出版者:國立中正大學勞工關係系 |
I S S N:1023-7305 |
中文摘要:我國勞動部將執行職務因他人行為遭受身體或精神不法的侵害調查或認定,交由各該主管機關或司法機關負責。職場霸凌於我法律上的定位、定義為何?以及未來是否能夠立法處理職場霸凌,是相當值得討論的問題。本研究透過收集、整理國內外職場霸凌相關文獻與學者看法、我國法院判決實務,以及歐洲聯盟、日本、韓國、美國、澳洲與新加坡等國現行制度,並深度訪談處理職場霸凌問題的各方單位與人員,包括職場霸凌遭受勞工、事業單位內處理職場霸凌人員與一般主管、地方與中央主管機關人員,最後做出研究發現並提出建議。根據相關文獻與訪談結果分析,發現我國勞工對職場霸凌的申訴制度並不信任,且事業單位或政府相關機關在職場霸凌預防與處理的教育訓練不足。除此之外,職場霸凌遭受者很難透過法律進行救濟。因此,本研究提出以下建議(1)政府單位應持續提供職場霸凌預防及處理教育訓練,並改善其宣導策略;(2)立法機關應於就業服務法新增職場霸凌預防與處理的章節;(3)政府單位應盡快建立職場霸凌認定要件;(4)事業單位應新增或持續提供職場霸凌預防及處理教育訓練;(5)事業單位應重視職場霸凌的申訴管道並確實調查職場霸凌事件。 |
英文摘要:In Taiwan, workplace bullying has not been seriously discussed, especially its legal position, definition, and how to deal with it. By searching for the related studies and other countries' measure of preventing and handling the workplace bullying, and interviewing the bullied employees, investigators and managers in the companies, the representative of government, to dig out the problems of the workplace bullying in Taiwan. This study has found that the employees in Taiwan do not trust the reporting system in the company; secondly, both company and government does not provide enough training to prevent and handle the workplace bullying; thirdly, the bullied employees have difficulty on legal assistant. Therefore, this study suggests that the company should provide more training to prevent and handle the workplace bullying; secondly, the legislature should add a new chapter on workplace bullying prevention and handling to the Employment Service Act; thirdly, the government should establish requirements for workplace bullying as soon as possible; fourth, the conpanies should add or continue to provide workplace bullying prevention and handling education training; finally, conpanies should pay attention to the reporting system for workplace bullying and do investigate the incidents. |
年份:2021 |