期刊名:【身心障礙研究季刊】人權框架下的身心障礙者就業經驗初探 |
卷數:19卷3&4期 |
出版時間:2021年12月 |
作者:江雅婷、陳心怡、唐宜楨 |
出版者:中華啟能基金會附設臺灣智能障礙研究中心 |
I S S N:1729-2832 |
中文摘要:目的:本研究以聯合國《身心障礙者權利公約》為研究框架,試圖瞭解身心障礙者工作權保障在勞動參與過程的經驗。方法:本研究透過方便取樣與滾雪球方式,邀請6名身心障礙者以及6名提供身心障礙者就業支持服務的工作者進行深度訪談。結果:藉由訪談資料,本研究發現身心障礙權利知能的掌握與意識覺察是重要的,如對身心障礙者權利有所覺察,較能將平等、不歧視等基本原則運用在實務層面;再者,身心障礙者工作權實踐的結構性社會阻礙仍舊存在,無論是求職或者就業過程中,雇主、同事、工作任務與工作環境等因素可能成為阻礙身心障礙者就業機會的獲取以及就業穩定性;最後,使能者對身心障礙者就業扮演關鍵角色,不僅可以促進工作任務、態度與環境等合理調整,更能極大化身心障礙者工作潛能的發揮。結論:臺灣身心障礙典範的發展已從福利觀點轉向身心障礙權利觀點,期待有意願工作且有工作能力的身心障礙者能透過就業形式與職場的合理調整,進行有意義的社會參與,促進良善的循環,以成為有尊嚴的個體。 |
英文摘要:Purpose: By adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as the research framework, the aim of this study is to understand the participation experience of persons with disabilities in the labor market. Methods: Six persons with disabilities and six workers who provide employment support services to persons with disabilities were invited to participate in in-depth interviews through purposive and snowball sampling. Results: Based on these interviews, employment service workers and job redesign specialists enhance disability rights awareness by implementing and advocating anti-discrimination and equality principles for persons with disabilities who are seeking job opportunities. In addition, while seeking job opportunities or participating in the labor market, persons with disabilities encounter various social and structural obstacles. From these results, reasonable adjustments are needed in terms of policies, job descriptions, attitudes of employers and coworkers, and the environment to reduce the limitations on the innate or acquired talents or expertise of persons with disabilities and to maximize their potential at work. Conclusion: The disability paradigm in Taiwan has shifted from the welfare perspective to the disability rights perspective. It is expected that persons with disabilities who are willing to work and are capable of work can participate meaningfully in society and gain dignity through employment. |
年份:2021 |