期刊名:【臺大體育學報】大專體育教師對身心障礙學生體育課程自覺知能、態度與因應策略之探究 |
卷數:42輯 |
出版時間:2022年3月 |
作者:姜義村、葉翰霖、陳美莉 |
出版者:臺灣大學體育室 |
I S S N:1991-2498 |
中文摘要:我國融合教育蓬勃發展使身心障礙學生受教權已延伸至高等教育,全國152所大專院校身心障礙學生總數達13,695人,然過往對於大專體育教師於執教身心障礙學生之教學經驗的研究較少,體育教師於教學因應策略的因素中,自覺專業知能程度及其對於身心障礙相關議題之態度至為重要。本研究招募243名大專專兼任體育教師,以網路問卷調查對身心障礙學生體育課程之自覺知能、態度及因應策略。研究結果顯示(1)80.2%教師有執教過身心障礙者經驗;(2)女性教師於因應策略表現顯著優於男性教師;(3)有執教經驗大專體育教師於自覺知能與態度顯著優於無經驗教師;(4)大專體育教師對於適應體育、特殊教育、融合教育及融合班級教學的自覺知能程度,顯著影響其對於身心障礙學生體育課態度,事後比較後發現自覺知能程度非常好的教師,其態度得分顯著優於其他知能程度之體育教師。本研究歸納出之結論包含(1)大專體育教師的身心障礙知能普遍不足,亟需推動身心障礙知能繼續教育;(2)應將大專院校女性體育教師之教學經驗進行傳承;(3)應鼓勵大專體育教師開始教授身心障礙學生,以提升其教學之專業知能與態度。本研究建議我國應儘速發展完善的大專體育教師繼續教育之管道,重視身心障礙學生體育課程之發展。 |
英文摘要:Inclusive education has got flourishing development and 13,695 students with disabilities in 152 universities showed the rights of education for students with disabilities have extended from pre-school to higher education in Taiwan. However, there are few studies which addressed about college physical education (PE) teachers' teaching experience of students with disabilities. Among the factors that affects teachers coping strategy on teaching, self-proficiency and attitudes on issues related to disability are crucial. In order to understand the development of PE curriculum for students with disabilities, the purpose of this study was to investigate the self-proficiency, attitudes, and coping strategies of college PE teachers. Two hundred forty-three college PE teachers were recruited to participate this study and completed online questionnaire survey. Demographic background information, self-proficiency, attitudes, and coping strategies were collected. The results show that: (1) Approximately 80% of the study participants had experience in teaching PE for students with disabilities;(2) female teachers were significantly better than male ones on the performance of coping strategies; (3) teachers who had teaching experience with students with disabilities were significantly better than the inexperienced on their self-proficiency and attitudes; and (4) self-proficiency in adapted physical education (APE), special education, inclusive education, and inclusive class teaching affected their attitudes towards inclusive PE for students with disabilities and teachers with higher self-proficiency had significantly better than others levels on attitudes. The study concludes that: (1) most of PE teachers will teach students with disabilities and therefore continuing education of APE are strongly needed; (2) female PE teachers, as a minority group in colleges, have better coping strategies and their experience are worthy to share; (3) the lack of disabilities related knowledge on PE teachers, hence it is important to promote continuing education on them; and (4) teaching experience with students with disabilities are encouraged to improve their self-proficiency and attitudes. Developing sustainable continuing APE education system and advocating educational requirements of APE in graduate levels of college PE teachers are highly recommended to ensure better quality of PE learning and teaching environment in Taiwan. |
年份:2022 |