期刊名:【台灣國際法學刊】現行收出養制度與兒童權利公約兒童最佳利益的差距-從法院裁判未參考社工訪視報告出發 |
卷數:17卷1期 |
出版時間:2020年11月 |
作者:蕭莊全、李芳玲、邱靖惠 |
出版者:台灣國際法學會 |
I S S N:無 |
中文摘要:據兒童權利公約第21條,為確保收養兒童權利,收養制度應以兒童最佳利益為最大考量,且兒童之收養僅得由主管機關許可,該機關應依據法律及程序,參酌相關且可靠之資訊,據以認可收養。然實務上社福體系評估收出養案件與司法體系仍存在落差。本研究分析2015年到2017年108件收出養法交案兒福聯盟評估與法院裁定不一致之裁定書,除呈現兩者評估面向之不同,亦進一步討論與兒童權利公約之差距。最後建議法院裁定時應參酌兒童權利公約及一般性意見書,從公約精神出發,落實並延長收養人與被收養人共同生活時間以利評估裁定,並增加評估方式與頻率,以增進裁定準確性,確保被收養兒少之最佳利益。 |
英文摘要:According to Article 21 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the adoption system should consider the best interests of the child to ensure his or her rights. This research analyzed 108 court judgments that didn't use home visit reports written by Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF) social workers as references, and presented the differences between how the judicial system and the social welfare system evaluated the best interests of the child being adopted. The research suggests that when the court is making a judgment, it should refer to the Convention on the Rights of the Child to ensure the best interests of the child being adopted. |
年份:2020 |