期刊名:【勞資關係論叢】移工政策之認知衝突分析 |
卷數:22卷2期 |
出版時間:2020年12月 |
作者:張寧、張綾倩 |
出版者:國立中正大學勞工關係系 |
I S S N:1023-7305 |
中文摘要:本研究針對引進移工所可能面臨之相關問題,以修正式德菲法從產業環境面、勞工就業面,以及社會文化面等三個構面中,篩選出移工待遇問題、3K工作補充問題、產業升級問題、重大投資案與公共建設的勞動力問題、多元文化差異問題等五項可能影響引進移工判斷之重要線索。再應用社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)探討八組利害關係人群體之判斷對策,以了解各利害關係人群體間認知衝突的來源。研究成果顯示,在五項線索中,所有利害關係人群體均最重視移工待遇問題,但立場差異甚大。產業界、本國勞工與一般民眾多數認為移工與本勞的待遇相差越大越好。但多數政府官員與移工則認為移工與本勞的待遇相差越小越好。另外,多元文化差異問題雖然在總體受重視程度居末,但文化差異是否越大越好的立場也相當不一致。可知對經濟、人權與多元文化的認知差異,是引進移工政策的重要衝突來源。 |
英文摘要:This study collects possible factors which can influence the judgment of migrant workers importation. The Modified Delphi are firstly used to select the significant dimensions and index. Five representative indicators are chosen from 3 dimensions-industry environments, labor employments, and social cultures. The top five indicators are ranked as: the wage of native and migrant workers; occupational supplement of 3K; industries-upgrading; manpower of vital investment and infrastructure; and cultural difference. These indicators are used as cues in the following questionnaire of Social Judgment Theory (SJT) to realize the source of the cognitive conflict among eight stakeholder groups. The results show that all stakeholder groups mostly rely on the cue of the wage of native and migrant workers, but their function forms are different. Industrial circles, native workers, and general public think the more different between native and foreign workers' wage the better. On the contrary, the most governmental official and migrant workers is just on the opposite side. Although the lowest weights is observed in the cue of cultural difference, the stakeholder depend upon the cue in the different way. Therefore, we can conclude the sources of cognitive conflict come from economic, human right, and culture are mainly. |
年份:2020 |