期刊名:【博物館與文化】女性主義教育如何融入博物館導覽教育?「阿嬤家」導覽教育經驗的敘說探究 |
卷數:20期 |
出版時間:2020年12月 |
作者:平雨晨 |
出版者:中華民國博物館學會 |
I S S N:2224-9850 |
中文摘要:博物館與教育之間的關係不僅只是知識的傳承,亦是在機構既有權力運作系統中,作為對話開展可能性的關鍵,進而藉由博物館教育彰顯一個國家如何民主化的過程。其中,博物館裡的導覽員扮演著開啟對話重要角色,導覽員置身於博物館場域,如何運用引導權管理志工、服務大眾,這種管理與服務又怎麼達到教育核心價值:解放人性、知識共構的可能?此外,導覽員既擁有掌握話語權的權力,同時又身負傳遞輸知識、開啟對話的教育功能,導覽員如何更進一步在既有位置上看待自身權力,反思機構定位,甚或藉由導覽溝通,和公眾共構更多元自由、具性別意識的人性化知識?對此,本文主要以女性主義教育學探討的「權力」議題:去除權力、解構權力、分享權力及善用權力為切點,輔以女性主義教育學概念,試圖探究女性主義教育和博物館導覽教育間,如何共融對話與共創知識。本文藉由敘說研究面質經驗知識與權力,以我在「婦女救援基金會附設-阿嬤家和平與女性人權館」擔任導覽員,同時也是教育專員的具體行動經驗,探照我於博物館時對志工的導覽教育培訓,以及自身導覽過程和大眾對話情況,進而思考在機構既有定位與知識結構中,運用博物館導覽融入女性主義教育精神。同時博物館展覽核心「慰安婦」議題進程中,館員和觀眾如何互為主體,藉由對話層層鬆動以男性為本的結構知識,促進多元知識生產交流,藉由導覽教育和公眾共同提升性別意識之可能。 |
英文摘要:The relation between museum and education is not merely the inheritance of knowledge but also the key to initiate dialogues within the existing power structure of the institution, and further highlight a nation's democratization process through museum education. Museum docents play a crucial role in initiating these dialogues. How do docents make use of "management and service" techniques to manage volunteers and serve the public, as well as achieving core values of education-the liberation of humanity and co-creation of knowledge? As docents possess discursive power and are in charge of conveying knowledge and facilitating dialogues, how can they take a step back from their professional role and reflect on their power, the position of institution they serve, and engage the public in co-creating a diverse, mind-freeing, gender-conscious and humanized knowledge through guided tours? This study employs a feminist pedagogical approach to "power,"-using elimination, deconstruction, sharing and utilizing power, while incorporating a feminist pedagogical concept, as an entry point-to examine how integration, dialogue and co-creation of knowledge is carried out when museum educational guided tour is informed with feminist pedagogy. This study utilizes narrative research to confront experience, knowledge and power based on my work as a docent and an education specialist at AMA Museum, established and operated by the Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation. Through reflecting on the volunteer guide training program and my conversations with participants during guided tours, this study reflects on the institution's position and knowledge structure, and investigates the possibility of incorporating the spirit of feminist pedagogy into museum guided tours. It also examines the formation of inter-subjectivity between museum staffs and visitors in the progress of addressing the museum's core exhibition on "comfort women," through which dialogues can be initiated to gradually restructure knowledge production and enhance gender awareness. |
年份:2020 |