【Tampa Review】Live Like a Refugee
期刊名:【Tampa Review】Live Like a Refugee |
卷數:Volume 87, Number 1 |
出版時間:2020年6月 |
作者:Laura Mullen |
出版者:University of Tampa Press |
I S S N:0896-064X |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要:"You know you don't have to" That was the chorus I sung Along to hoping some day To believe it not knowing The song arrived just as We were getting into the long Dismantling of the promises Of a former president's vision Of a "Great Society" today There was a picture of the Pope Washing the feet of those Who'd had to flee their country But Elsie hums Tom Petty Says sorry not sorry still Insisting we're the greatest Nation on earth but we don't Have enough for anyone that is Anyone else what the song Meant to me when it came out Was hope for a future not Shaped by panic and regret Belting the words out I felt The way I felt whenever I was Packing up my old life to leave To start my new life which was Mostly also quickly not the life I'd hoped it would be when I left Recovering victim of violence Traumatized hostage the song Imagined what had happened To the subject to make them So distrustful fearful strange You don't have to live like That I wanted to believe it "America is great" Elsie yells Or says it can be great if we Don't let in she says anyone Else sorry because we are Struggling but also great now Assertions and denial replace Thoughtful promises it's as if We'd given the job of packing The glassware to garbagemen [End Page 46] Sorry no sanitation workers Everything's fine just FINE Shouted over the sound of Beautiful things smashed Into wreckage "Fear makes People stupid" a wise friend Said of one of my ex boyfriends Maybe that phrase should be Embroidered on our flag I sang It too you don't have to sang Along loudly I was full of self- Pity I thought the words were Meant for me well they had Been and would be we are not Accepting refugees because we Live like refugees because we Feel like we are living like or Because we're trying so hard to Remember the words and Forget their meaning [End Page 47] |
年份:2020 |