台灣國際紀錄片影展 Taiwan International Documentary Festival - TIDF
◉———TIDF線上論壇Online Panel———◉
Questioning of Realities: Between and Beyond Philippine Documentary】
►時間:05.08 (SUN) 19:30-21:00
焦點專題協同策展人 墨夫・艾斯皮納
Merv ESPINA, Co-curator of Focus Programme
《摯愛的湯都》導演、Daang Dokyu影展總監 珠兒・馬拉南
Jewel MARANAN, director of Tondo, Beloved and Festival Director of Daang Dokyu
《摘取一朵花》導演 希林・施諾
Shireen SENO, director of To Pick a Flower
導演、棉蘭老島亞洲電影節總監 古堤雷茲・曼岡薩康二世
Gutierrez MANGANSAKAN II, filmmaker and Director of the Salamindanaw Asian Film Festival
Collective Action, Individual Decisions: Political Documentaries and Activist Media Collectives in the Philippines】
►時間:05.11 (WED) 19:30-21:00
菲律賓大學迪里曼分校電影系助理教授 派崔克・坎波斯
Patrick CAMPOS, Associate Professor of Film Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
影像研究者、「亞洲視野」檔案管理者 羅斯瑪莉・洛克
Rosemarie ROQUE, film researcher and archivist of Asia Visions
《血紅史詩》、《來自暗淵》導演、「RESBAK」成員 基莉・達雷納
Kiri Dalena, artist, filmmaker, cultural organizer, member/contributor/co-founder of the political media collectives Resbak and STeX
科島製片公司成員 瑪莉恭・蒙塔黑斯
Maricon Montajes, filmmaker, member/contributor to the political media collectives Kodao Productions and Sine Sanyata
※Both online panels will be in Chinese and English, with simultaneous interpretation provided.