

書名 作者 出版
美麗島後的禁書 廖為民 前衛
解嚴之前的禁書 廖為民 前衛
禁書圖書館 Alan Gratz 小天下
不可不知的國際條約:了解後就能秒懂國際新聞 金香錦 聯經出版公司
聯合國都在做什麼? 康昌勳 聯經出版公司
War and Peace: On the Principle and the Constitution of the Rights of Peoples Pierre-Joseph Proudhon AK Press
Human Rights and Human Development in the Arab and Islamic World Israeli, Raphael Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LL
Strike! the Farm Workers" Fight for Their Rights: The Farm Workers" Fight for Their Rights Brimner, Larry Dane Calkins Creek Books
Children’s Experience, Participation, and Rights During Covid-19 Turok-Squire, Ruby Palgrave MacMillan
The Informational Logic of Human Rights: Network Imaginaries in the Cybernetic Age Bowsher, Joshua Edinburgh University Press