

書名 作者 出版
最貧困女子:不敢開口求救的無緣地獄 鈴木大介 光現出版社
下流老人:即使月薪5萬,我們仍將又老又窮又孤獨 藤田孝典 如果出版社
貧困世代:低收入、長工時、無殼蝸牛、無法結婚生子……大人無法理解年輕人的窮忙並非不努力,而是社會制度所逼! 藤田孝典 高寶
用世界史解讀4大國際議題:南海主權X中東戰亂X人權意識X全球暖化背後的故事 池上彰、增田由利亞著 木馬文化
Education of Syrian Refugee Children: Managing the Crisis in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan Shelly Culbertson, Louay Constant Rand
Why You Can't Teach United States History without American Indians Susan Sleeper Smith, Juliana Barr, Jean M. O’Brien, Nancy Shoemaker, Scott Manning Stevens The University of North Carolina Press
The Evolution of Cyber War: International Norms for Emerging-Technology Weapons Brian M. Mazanec Potomac Books
Reproductive Justice: The Politics of Health Care for Native American Women Barbara Gurr Rutgers University Press
Queer Clout: Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics Timothy Stewart-Winter University of Pennsylvania Press
Nursing & Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States Sujani K. Reddy University of North Carolina Press