Protecting Muslim Minority Women's Human Rights at Divorce : Application of the Protection Against D
作者:Tone Linn Waerstad |
譯者: |
出版時間:2017 |
出版者:Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft |
I S B N:9783848739271 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: The study indicates that there is a need for developments to fulfil Muslim minority women's right to protection against discrimination at the dissolution of marriage, in a variety of arenas that range from informal dispute resolution mechanisms, via public administrative practice, to theoretical developments within both national and private international law. The starting point for the legal analysis is data from 13 interviews with divorced, Muslim immigrant women in Norway. There is also a comparative law component to the project as it looks at experiences of the discourse and application of faith-based dispute resolution in the UK (Sharia Councils) and Canada. Tone Linn WAerstad works as a Postdoctor at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo, Norway. Her research lies within the fields of family law, transnational family relations, private international law, women's law and human rights. |
分類:婦女人權 總論 |