Women's Human Rights and the Elimination of Discrimination / Les droits des femmes et l'elimination
作者:Maarit Jantera-Jareborg |
譯者: |
出版時間:2017 |
出版者:Brill |
I S B N:9789004327559 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: Despite global undertakings to safeguard the full enjoyment of human rights, culture, traditional practices and religion are widely used to discriminate against women. In this volume 17 scholars approach women's human rights globally, regionally and nationally, combining the perspectives of public and private international law in a hitherto unique manner. Comprehensive legal, culture-based and theoretical overviews are combined with analyses of topical issues, such as unbalanced sex-ratios, intercountry adoption, women as refugees or as "surrogate mothers", violence against women and cross-border enforcement of protection orders. |
分類:婦女人權 總論 |