El Movimiento Por Los Derechos Humanos de La Comunidad Lgbt (Lgbtq Human Rights Movement)
作者:Theresa Morlock |
譯者: |
出版時間:2017 |
出版者:PowerKids Press |
I S B N:9781499433128 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: People who identify as LGBTQ are often treated with inequality and violence. Until recently, they were viewed as sick or even criminals. This volume gives important insight into the injustices faced by LGBTQ individuals, and the activists and groups that have fought for equal rights. Photographs and primary sources help readers grasp and connect with information in the text. Readers will learn about the current state of the LGBTQ human rights movement, and what they can do to help preserve equality for all American citizens. |
分類:同性戀/跨性別 總論 |