HRE PACK: Human Rights Education Pack
作者:ARRC |
譯者: |
出版時間:1995 |
出版者:Asian Regional Resource Center for Human Rights Education |
I S B N:974-89278-4-9 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: The HRE Pack brings together the ideas and experiences of people and groups from several countries in the Asia-Pacific region to form material that promotes a certain philosophy of facilitating the growth of people's knowledge of human rights. It is designed to be tested under different situations so that it can be made more effective and relevant. Emphasis was put on a balanced presentation of concepts and experiences on human rights and human rights work, and of a methodology embodying a new educational framework that put a premium on the participation of the people throughout the whole learning process. original connect: |
分類:人權教育 總論 |