It's Only Right! Activities
作者:Susan Fountain |
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出版時間:1993 |
出版者:UNICEF |
I S B N:92-806-3056-3 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: "It's Only Right!: A Practical Guide to Learning About the Convention on the Rights of the Child" was published by UNICEF and is written for teachers working with populations thirteen years and older. The book was developed with input from specialists from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Western Europe and North America and is intended for different national settings. The guide is in use in several Central and Eastern European countries, including Albania, and can be adapted for younger students. It's Only Right! has three sections. "Activities for Learning About the Convention on the Rights of the Child," presents a range of activities for learning about the content of the Convention. The second section, "Planning for Action," suggests activities that can be used, either alone or in sequence, to help young people plan ways of taking realistic action on a rights issue. The third section identifies how the guide's activities may be used in different settings. The "Activities" section is available on-line. The activities are all interactive, and use a variety of engaging methods such as case studies, cards, simulations, and cartoons. The activities are well organised, with purpose, materials needed, procedures and even variations clearly presented. The guide is sensitive to the various physical conditions one can find in schools, and rely only on simple materials such as paper, pencil, 'cards,' scissors and glue. original connect: |
分類:人權教育 總論 |