作者:陳建宏 |
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出版時間:2008 |
出版者:國立嘉義大學國民教育研究所 |
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中文摘要: 本研究旨在探討國民小學教師兒童人權知覺與實踐的相關性。採用問卷調查法,並以嘉義縣公立國民小學教師為研究對象進行抽樣,共得有效樣本424份,研究工具以自編之「兒童人權知覺量表」與「兒童人權實踐量表」兩部份進行調查,並以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸進行資料分析,本研究所得的結論如下: 資料來源:http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/site/sh/detail_result.jsp?id=096NCYU5576023 |
英文摘要: This research is to explore the correlation between the teachers’ perceptions and practice of children’s human rights in elementary schools. The sampling is conducted on the teachers in the public elementary schools in Chiayi County, and produces 424 valid samples. The research is divided into two aspects with self-made research tools: “Scale of Children’s Human Rights Perceptions” and “Scale of Children’s Human Rights Practice”.The obtained data are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The conclusion of research is as follows: 資料來源:http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/site/sh/detail_result.jsp?id=096NCYU5576023 |
分類:人權教育 區域研究 |