Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Quest for Consensus
作者:An-Na’ im Abdullahi |
譯者: |
出版時間:1990 |
出版者:University of Pennsylvania Press |
I S B N:081223104X |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: Human Rights Violations are perpetrated in all parts of the world, and the universal reaction to such atrocities in overwhelmingly one of horror and sadness. Yet, as Abdullahi Ahmed An-na’im and his contributors attest, our viewpoint is clouded and biased by the expectations native to our own culture. How do other cultures view human rights issues? Can an analysis of human rights issues through multiple viewpoints, both cross-cultural and indigenous, help us to reinterpret and reconstruct prevailing theories of human rights? Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives continues the investigation begun in Human Rights in Africa: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, co-edited by An-na’im and Francis Deng. This Volume applies the cross-cultural approach to other parts of the world, particularly North and South America and |
分類:經濟社會與文化權利 總論 |