英文摘要: of funding. Funding is one of numerous divisive issues that we strive to overcome.
Respecting spaces and learning from the efforts of both women and men: The concept of "space" is often mentioned as an important component of building partnerships. Safe, comfortable and at times separate spaces for groups of men and women are helpful for individuals to speak honestly about difficult subjects and to build trust. New spaces should be alternative models to the norms of patriarchy and mistrust, thus careful attention should be paid not to repeat adverse scripts and behaviours within these spaces. Highlighting the uses of language, and striving towards more appropriate terms and expressions can also fit under this heading. In addition, we can place here the notion that men and women do have a substantial amount to learn from one another and given this, an open mind and willingness to learn are helpful in partnership building.
Sharing of stories, practices and lessons: Under this heading we see the diversity of approaches, research, stories, beliefs and practices embedded in our community. We highlight creative and innovative solutions to ending gender-based violence. We see different approaches that may be culturally or context specific and others that may have more universal attributes.
Making connections and envisioning coalitions: In this step we identify common themes and practices, and synthesize lessons. Also, individual community members reach out directly to one another to share resources and ideas, forge partnerships and further pursue lines of inquiry. There are also efforts to mobilize around this work in public campaigns at various levels and to connect the movement to end GBV with other movements and campaigns. At this stage, the virtually connected community gives a picture of what a global coalition may look like to end GBV.
Gaps and unresolved issues: In the analysis of gender and gender-based violence, there will be difficult, controversial, untouched and unresolved issues. Through the process of partnership building we may return to some of the differences that we set aside in order to move ahead in areas where consensus did exist. Some of the issues that are yet to be widely addressed in this discourse may include: 1) incest, 2) culturally accepted or context appropriate forms of violence (is certain types of violence appropriate in some contexts?), 3) sexuality, gender politics, and gay couple partner violence, 4) racism, class and other modifiers of inequality vis a vis violence, and 5) women's partner violence.
Articulating next steps, conclusions and recommendations: What have we learned and where do we go from here? What types of policies or alternative cultural practices, can we suggest for communities, governments and other institutions? How can we build the political will to properly implement and enforce these policies and practices? What action steps can we take on the personal and professional level to help move towards these ends and to put a stop to gender based violence? What new types of partnerships can we envision to carry forward and further strengthen this work?