Bringing the Beijing Platform Action to the Grass Roots
作者:United Nations |
譯者: |
出版時間:2000 |
出版者:United Nations |
I S B N:9211199905 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要: Since the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum on Women 』95, countries, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and communities around the world have undertaken numerous activities to publicize and implement the recommendations made during the Conference. The project on 「Promoting NGO-Government Collaboration in the Imple-mentation of the Jakarta Declaration for the Advancement of Women in Asia and the Pacific and the Global Platform for Action」 was one such attempt to maintain the momentum and enthusiasm of the Beijing Conference and build upon it. The project began in 1996 in South Asia to link the international level of the women's movement to the grass roots, by assisting NGOs to communicate the recom- mendations made during the Fourth World Conference on Women and Forum 』95. This project was intended not only to link grass-roots women to the international community, but also to demonstrate that grass-roots women are not alone in their struggle for survival. The project process in each country was unique and creative. With only limited project funds available, the four countries created an impressive array of information materials. These included posters, radio programmes, booklets, poems, songs, scrolls, street theatre, and videos. These products were significant because they were not produced by the project focal point NGOs alone, but were created in collaboration with women themselves. These collaborators, who attended a series of project workshops, ranged from grass-roots women to government officials. Through the process of producing in a variety of media (print, painting, drama, and poetry) woman identified community, family and individual problems and discussed their solutions at length. It is expected that the process generated by this project will carry on promoting awareness of the problems affecting women and help in generating solutions. The approach taken by this project could also set an example for other regions. The project was one of the activities ESCAP has undertaken to strengthen cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations in sectors related to poverty alleviation. Other activities include: Government-NGO cooperation for strengthening population policies and programmes Strengthening national capabilities in implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP region Improving the quality of life of specific disadvantaged groups through innovative policies and programmes Targeting group-oriented policies and programmes for rural and urban poverty alleviation Enhancing technological capabilities of small village and town industries for increased competitiveness ESCAP wishes to convey its appreciation to the Government of Netherlands which made this project possible through its generous funding support. |
分類:婦女人權 聯合國、國際社會 |