Bringing International Human Rights Law Home
作者:United Nations, |
譯者: |
出版時間:2000 |
出版者:United Nations |
I S B N:9211302048 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要:The human rights of women and girls are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. However, finding a balance between women's claim for justice, and a community's desire to maintain its traditions presents a significant challenge. This publication comprises the proceedings of a judicial colloquium held in Vienna in 1999. It aims to further the quest for equality for women by using international human rights law in domestic decision-making to bring international human rights home. The publication covers three main themes: marriage and family relations, violence against women, and work-related rights of women and girls. Almost 100 judges and magistrates participated at the conference, making this publication an impressive work providing strategies for more creative and widespread use of international human rights norms. |
分類:婦女人權 聯合國、國際社會 |