The third part presents international and regional approaches, covering the Islamic world, the Americas, and Africa. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im discusses the promise of the methodology of the Sudanese Muslim reformer Taha for reform of Shari'a religious law. Cecilia Medina questions the inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights and analyses the possibilities which this system offers to work on strengthening national law. The protection of the rights of women under the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights is the subject of Chaloka Beyani's contribution. Adetoun O. Ilumoka approaches the issues of African women's economic, social, and cultural rights, national constitutions, legislation, and customary or religious laws with special focus on Nigeria.
The international approaches further include contributions by Andrew Byrnes, Rebecca J. Cook, Kenneth Roth and Mona Rishmawi who presents the approaches of the International Commission of Jurists to women's rights.
The fourth part is dedicated to national approaches, focusing on Canada (Anne F. Bayefsky and Kathleen E. Mahoney), India (Kirti Singh) with the problems of personal laws, Sudan (Asma Abdel Halim) with the issues of anti-feminine interpretation of the Qur'an, and Ghana (Akua Kuenyehia) with the impact of structural adjustment programs on vulnerable groups, e.g. women.
The last part deals with guaranteeing human rights of particular significance to women such as personal laws, equal access to land, reproductive rights of women and violence against women.
The strength of the book lies not only in the extensive coverage of the theme and in its interdisciplinary approach but also in the fact that all the contributions are extremely well documented and the book contains informative appendices.
Jarmila Bednariko
Institut suisse de droit comparé, Lausanne