Women and International Human Rights Law
作者:K.Askin and D. Koenig eds. |
譯者: |
出版時間:1999 |
出版者:Transnational |
I S B N:1571053069 |
中文摘要: |
英文摘要:For in-depth coverage of gender issues in human rights law, from theory and cultural practices to legal instruments and the case law of international tribunals, this major three-volume work is without peer. More than 100 leading authorities in the field offer trenchant analyses of problems and solutions, crimes and abuses, available recourses, areas of empowerment - the entire spectrum of women's rights, discussed at a level of detail and legal awareness unavailable in any other single source |
分類:婦女人權 聯合國、國際社會 |