兩性工作平等法(Gender Employment Equality Act)
台灣的「兩性工作平等法」於2002年3月8 日實施,一方面保障女性在就業市場的平等權利,另一方面宣示育兒為國家大事,應由男女兩性及國家社會共 同承擔責任。 Taiwan's Gender Equality Employment Act became effective on 8 March 2002. The act protects women's equal rights in workplace, and declares that raising children is a public concern to be borne by both males and females, as well as the state and society. The Gender Equality Employment Act has seven chapters and forty articles. The important provisions include: the establishment of the Gender Equality Employment Committee, the elimination of all forms of discrimination in the workplace, the Prevention of sexual harassment, and the adoption of measures for promoting employment equality. See also Pregnancy prohibition clause; Women workers, single.