童工(Child labour)
國際勞工組織2000年報告指出,有二億五千萬名年齡介於五歲到十四歲的兒童在開發中國家工作,不論是基於強制或需要,這些兒童已被剝奪了正常的童年及充分發展的機會。某些形式的工作被認為是對兒童的剝削或具有高度危險性。國際勞工組織第182號公約於1999年6月間無異議通過,要求締約國以最快的方式防止、禁止與排除「最惡劣的童工形式」。根據此公約的定義,「最惡劣的童工形式」包括販賣兒童、奴役、或強制性的勞動(包含在武裝衝突發生時對兒童的強制招募)、利用兒童賣淫或製作色情物品、販賣毒品等非法活動,及其他可能傷害兒童健康、安全或道德的工作。 According to a 2000 report of the International Labour Organization, approximately 250 million children between the ages of five and fourteen, were working in developing countries. By having to work, either by force or economic necessity, such children are denied a normal childhood and opportunity for full development. Some forms of child labour are considered exploitative and hazardous. The ILO Convention No.182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, adopted unanimously in June 1999, committed state parties to take immediate steps to prevent, prohibit, and eliminate “the worst forms of child labour.”Under the convention, the worst forms of child labour include the sale and Trafficking (q.v.) of children; debt bondage; forced or compulsory labour (including the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict); using children for prostitution or production of pornography; using children for illegal activities, particularly drugtrafficking; and other work likely to “harm the health, safety or morals of children.” See also Child soldiers; Trafficking. 資料來源:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心編纂:《人權字典》(臺北市:教育部,2007年6月,第一版一刷),頁54。 |