人道干預(Humanitarian intervention)
傳統的定義為「當一國以大規模且殘酷的手段對待其國民,而這些手段足以震驚國際社會的良知時,一國或多國以武力阻止其暴行的行動」。但近年來,人道干預的定義已不僅僅侷限於對本國國民的保護,更進而包括任何的個人。科索沃及東帝汶是近年來人道干預的兩個例子。另見 State jurisdiction,essentially within. Traditionally thought of as the use of force by one or more states to stop a state's maltreatment of foreign nationals. In a contemporary context it has been interpreted more broadly to protect any people, not just those from the intervener's own state. Humanitarian intervention is deemed acceptable when, and only when, the abuse 資料來源:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心編纂:《人權字典》(臺北市:教育部,2007年6月,第一版一刷),頁114。