A blanket term for any person whose internal gender identity differs from their physiological gender. Generally speaking, the term “transgender” includes transsexuals, transvestites, and cross-dressers. As scholar Chuen-juei Ho has pointed out, however, the term “transgender” has had a complicated historic background. In the 1970s, in the United States “transgender” referred to a person living a gender identity opposite to his/her biological gender; the emphasis was always on gender lifestyle instead of identity. Since the development of politics of identities, TG has come to have two different functional meanings. On the one hand, it is used as a generic term that includes anyone who challenges or crosses the boundary of sex and gender. On the other hand, TG is sometimes used to distinguish a person whose behaviour does not comport with his/her biological gender, or who has undergone a sex change by way of a surgical operation or other means.
參考資料: 茱莉安娜的秘密花園,http://www.geocities.com/rachellesbian/juliana.htm,2006/6/15;何春蕤,2002,「認同的『體』現:打造跨性別」,台灣社會研究季刊,第46期。