The Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights was established in 1999 to honor Dr. Jonathan Mann and highlight the vital link between health and human rights. Sponsored by four founding organizations, Association François-Xavier Bagnoud, Doctors of the World, John Snow, Inc., and the Global Health Council, the award is bestowed annually to a leading practitioner in health and human rights and comes with a substantial financial reward.[1](Association François-Xavier Bagnoud)、世界醫師聯盟(Médecins du Monde, Doctors of the World)、JSI(John Snow, Inc.)、以及聯合國全球健康理事會(the Global Health Council),共四個組織所發起並共同創辦。這個獎項每年都會贈予醫療人權中的先驅者一筆優渥的獎金。「喬那森‧曼全球健康人權獎」是在1999年為了紀念喬那森‧曼醫生,並且為了彰顯在醫療與人權間不可忽視的重要關聯,而由FXB
Despite his untimely death in a 1998 plane crash, Jonathan Mann is considered by many to be one of the most important figures in the 20th century fight against global poverty, illness and social injustice.
As the first director of the World Health Organization's Special Program on AIDS from 1986-1990, Dr. Mann pioneered the approach to AIDS that continues to shape public health policy today. As the François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights at Harvard University from 1990-1997, Dr. Mann began to articulate the ways in which the health of individuals and populations reflects access to basic human rights, using as his warrant his years as a public health practitioner and strategist and as his text the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
作為世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)愛滋病特別計畫的首任主持人(1986-1990),喬那森‧曼醫生當時所倡導的對愛滋病的先知卓見仍持續影響著現代的公共醫療政策。在1990至1997年擔任哈佛大學醫療與人權FXB教授(the François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights at Harvard University)時,喬那森‧曼醫生開始藉由他長年在公共衛生方面的影響力以及在世界人權宣言(the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)內的條文來宣揚「個人與群眾的健康反映出基本人權的開放程度」。
Throughout his career, Dr. Mann focused public attention on the fact that prejudice and discrimination help drive the AIDS epidemic, and that discrimination against those at risk of infection fuels the epidemic further. History will especially remember Dr. Mann for bringing to the world's attention the basic notion that improved health cannot be achieved without basic human rights, and that these rights are meaningless without adequate health.
The award is presented at the Awards Banquet during the Global Health Council's Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.
"People say there is no use trying to change the world. But if we don't try, will it change?" -- Dr. Jonathan Mann –
本文譯自聯合國全球健康理事會(Global Health Council)網站
[1] FXB: Association François-Xavier Bagnoud,是一個致力於幫助感染愛滋病或因貧困而無法就醫的孩童的國際組織,在日內瓦、巴黎以及紐約均設有辦公室。